Hello! 👋 Nice to meet you, I am Shruti Bhagwat!

A UI/UX Designer based in Seattle, passionate about solving user problems and creating inclusive experiences.

Email template enhancement, Product redesign, and customer survey insights applied for user-centric improvements.

View Case Study

UI Design | Product Design | Survey Analysis | Prioritisation Matrix | Prototyping

Creating an app bridging job seekers and referrers, streamlining the job hunting process, and enhancing connections for faster job placement.


UX Design | UX Research | Mobile | Information Architecture | Prototyping

A Chrome extension boosts the productivity and efficiency of users by simplifying daily tasks and offering task management and progress tracking.

Today's Task

UX Design | UX Research | Chrome Extension | Prototyping

Revamping Bethany Community Church's website for a unified experience, bridging the gap between multiple locations for current and new attendees.

Bethany Community Church

UX Design | User Research | Design System| Navigation | Wireframing | Prototyping

Created a beverage brand, TERRA, infused with global flavors, and nostalgia, to entice young consumers through interactive advertising.

TERRA Hard Seltzer

UX Design | UX Research | Branding | Packaging | AR Filters | Wireframing

Enhancing Chihuly Glass and Garden's visitor experience through immersive AR technology, merging art with virtual objects, and interaction for a captivating museum visit.

AR Chihuly Museum Experience

UX Design | UX Research | Storyboarding | Design System | Prototyping

Microsoft's Linda, voice assistant smart TV provides seamless interaction options, day-to-day assistance, security, and novel features to enhance user experience.

Linda Microsoft Smart TV

UX Design | UX Research | Voice Engineering | Onboarding | Mobile | Prototyping